Här har vi sammanställt länkar till information om primär immunbrist och varningstecken på olika språk.
For information about primary immunodeficiency and warning signs in other languages, please refer to these resources.
The International Patient Organisation for Primary Immunodeficiencies (IPOPI) is the association of national patient organisations dedicated to improving awareness, access to early diagnosis and optimal treatments for primary immunodeficiency (PID) patients worldwide. On their homepage, you can find information leaflets in different languages and also links to national patient organizations around the world.
The Jeffrey Model Foundation has compiled warning signs for primary immunodeficiency in various languages. You can view them all by following this link: 10 Warning Signs Foreign Languages. Jeffrey Modell Foundation has created a Network of the world’s leading Expert Immunologists to help point you in the right direction.
More resources in various languages are also available from The Immune Deficiency Foundation (IDF) in their International Section.
IPOPI, International Patient Organization for Primary Immunodeficiencies
IDF, Immun Defekt Foreningen, Danmark
Norsk Immunsviktforening, Norge
Immuunipuutospotilaiden yhdistys, Finland
Lind – Félag um meðfædda ónæmisgalla, Island
HAEA, Hereditary Angioedema Association, USA
IDF, Immune Deficiency Foundation, USA
JMF, The Jeffrey Modell Foundation, USA